Thursday, July 22, 2010

Christmas in July!!??

It felt a little like Christmas when the police called and asked us to come pick up our belongings at the station. However when we arrived they said the supervisor had decided that the things needed to be kept for evidence. It's been such a roller-coaster ride with this ordeal. Larry has been spending entire days at a time trying to find the criminals involved with the break-in. The money still has not been found, but most of our things were. The police finally agreed to let us have our laptops and some of our small electronics today. So it was especially nice to get our main laptop which has all of our files that we've been needed to continue work. Of course, we have learned a valuable lesson on backing up our files.
One day in the village, Larry was explaining what had happened to us and one of the youth boys said to Larry in English, "I want to encourage you with a verse. Exodus 14:14." It had been a verse that we asked the kids to memorize a few years ago when we were teaching them. Now it has returned to us with power. We were encouraged and have prayed that verse many days after that. The verse says, "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." We have testimony after testimony that He has done that.

1 comment:

steph hite said...

I am also encouraged by this verse. I often tell Owen (4 years old) to "be still" but rarely take the time to "be still" myself. These past few nights I have not been sleeping well and I have taken peace in being still and reading and praying early hours of the morning. It is very reassuring to know that in times of trouble and unrest our protector provides peace and truth through his word, the life Jesus lived, and the testament of others past and present. Peace be with you as you "be still" and let him wrap his protecting loving arms around you.