Thursday, September 11, 2008

One picking of mulberries!

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We love our huge Mulberry tree. This is the first year that we've had this bumper harvest. Mulberry trees are draught resistant and don't need any fertilizer at all. Last year we got several handfulls of mulberries. But this year Larry brings in two large bowlfulls every day! Mandy has been making mulberry crisp, mulberry muffins, and mulberry pancakes. Mulberries are also delicious on ice cream and cereal.

One of our Malawian friends was visiting and we offered him some mulberries. He told us that the Chichewa word for mulberries is "malbro" but he said it like "marlboro". So now we call our muffins, "marlboro muffins." We explained to him that in the US, Marlboro refers to a brand of cigarette. We had a good laugh over it.

More maize!!

Recently 200 bags of maize was delivered and put in our back yard. Our workers treated it like it was pure gold. They carefully placed it in the storage room in the little house in the back ground on the picture.
About 120 needy families will benefit form the maize, most of which are led by one or both parents suffering with AIDS. All of the people in our HIV program take antiretroviral medicines which help them to be healthy so they can work and also to prolong their lives. We will be giving them maize and beans to help sustain their families for four months during the famine.
We also plan to feed our orphans an extra day each week during those four months - maybe longer. This has been a vision of ours for a very long time. Thank you to our donors and to IDES for supplying this need.