Sunday, April 25, 2010

Doing some dirty work.....

Last week, Larry enjoyed a day of getting down and getting dirty. During the dry season Larry had helped Mose build a dam so Mose could irrigate vegetables for the orphan feeding program. It was made of rocks, cement and the nice hard Malawian dirt. But during this rainy season, erosion caused lots of dirt and sand to fill up the dam.

After many weeks of frustration as to what to do, Larry talked to the chief and he agreed that something needed to be done and agreed to help dig out the dirt by sending some workers to help. By working together just getting down in the mud they were able to make a lot or progress in cleaning out the dam. Usually the villagers don't allow us to work, but this time Larry insisted on working along side them. It was an enjoyable time to work together, speak Chichewa, and show that the white guy really does like to work. Some ladies brought him food so he would be sure to have enough energy and not get hungry.

That day they dug down so far that the top of the wall was chest high which encouraged Mose so much and inspired him to work harder to provide vegetables for the orphans. It also encouraged our village friends that hard work can be fun and a community project such as this one can do so much for the development of the village. The water will hopefully be enough to also help a future youth income-generating project.

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