Saturday, October 18, 2008

NMSI Triennial Retreat and Conference

We really enjoyed our time recently at the NMSI Conference and Retreat from Oct. 1-15. Every three years NMSI gathers all the affiliated missionaries together somewhere in the world. It is a time of learning and spiritual renewal. For us the conference and retreat really exceeded our expectations and we were greatly encouraged and refreshed. When we returned to Malawi, we had some exciting new visions to pray for and goals to work towards.
One of the most amazing things we learned during the conference is how living in a fallen world and our sinful nature really affects everything we do and think. We got some great insights on how much God really does love us and wants to lavish us with good things, but sometimes suffering comes with it. So, we now look at suffering differently - as sharing in Christ's suffering. A new definition for worship (from Andrew Olsen, our devos facilitator) is, "...tell God how beautiful he is because of pleasure over how he has satisfied and will satisfy our heart's deepest needs and longings." We made some great new relationships and renewed old friendships. It is just what we needed.

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