Saturday, June 28, 2008

We were so blessed this past week to give out blankets to 40 orphans in our orphan program. Mandy's cousin, Ronda's son, Ian Frances recently had a birthday. Instead of presents, he asked that money be donated for the orphans in Malawi. He raised enough for us to purchase 40 blankets. Ronda and Ian's hearts were stirred this past March when we visited them in North Carolina. They had many questions about village life in Malawi and wanted to do something for orphans who are living in severe poverty in our orphan program. When we received the money and emailed them about what we wanted to do, here's what they said, "I just cried when I read your e-mail. I told Ian and he was very happy to hear the news. He had such a big smile on his face." God bless Ian for sacrificing so these kids can be warm at night.

1 comment:

the Jewell family said...

Wow, that's about the best birthday present ever!