Wednesday, November 07, 2007

We were so blessed by the group of chiefs in our villages recently. They honored Larry by making him an honorary "group village headman" and gave him the name of "Cheukani" which means "look back." As we were returning to the US for furlough they wanted to make sure we remembered where we'd been and to look back and see how much they need us to return to Malawi. We assured them that we would be back and work with them again. They gave Mandy the name of "Nachisali" which is a name of respect for a woman. She is also called, "Mama" because she cares for their needs. The picture shows Larry receiving the special scepter that they gave him to show he is really a group village headman. This is the highest honor they could bestow on someone. We were both humbled by their love and gifts.

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