Wednesday, August 02, 2006

About our ministry:

Since we arrived in Malawi on March 21, 2005, we have been diligently learning the Chichewa (Chee chay wa) language native to Malawi. Our first 6-8 months were spent receiving private tutoring, and then we were on our own to go out and practice what we learned to improve vocabulary and understanding. It’s been a challenge that has thrilled us whenever we make even the tiniest accomplishments.

Even more thrilling are the opportunities we have had to present the gospel message through our interpreter. Oswald Dimba has been our right-hand man in the villages where we are working. In January 2006 we began an orphan program and an HIV/AIDS program. Dimba is our village coordinator. He says he has prayed for 3 years for God to do something for the orphans and people with HIV in his home village. Now he says we are his answer from God.

In our orphan program, we feed and teach 200 orphans. They are so hungry to learn and each week they learn a new memory verse. Their physical needs are so great and we love providing for them as we are able. Sometimes we are even able to purchase medicines for some who are sick with Malaria or infections. We are especially blessed when some of the older orphans say the memory verses from scripture in English. They always receive a special treat for that.

On Thursdays, Mandy teaches a class for those living with HIV. There are five women who have recently been baptized in Lake Malawi. They are eager to learn anything we teach them. They are still going through the “Purpose Driven Life” book. We have recently added six more women and their children. Soon, we hope to begin another class.

Larry is working on improving the food supply in the areas where AfricaHope is working. He has been learning from other NGOs and individuals about irrigation, PermaCulture (permanent food supplies through improved agriculture) and nutrition.

The orphans in our program have asked Larry to teach a class on baptism so they will know what they need to do to be saved. They are so excited and he began teaching that class on August 10.

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